Encinitas Dog Bite Lawyer

Dogs may be man’s best friend, but sadly they can cause serious harm when things don’t go right. Dog bites resulted in an estimated 48,596 emergency room visits in California in 2022, which amounts to around 125 hospital trips per 100,000 residents.

Bite incidents can cause serious physical and mental harm. Many result in lasting disfigurement and some are fatal. Those who are harmed, or who lose loved ones, can understand their legal rights with the help of our Encinitas dog bite lawyer.

Miller & Steele Law Firm is here to help. Our Encinitas personal injury attorney will help you obtain compensation from the dog’s owner so you can move forward with your life and be made whole for your losses. Give us a call at (760) 439-2210 today to learn more about the advocacy we can offer you.

What Are California’s Dog Bite Laws?

California law is very strict when it comes to bite incidents. While some states have a so-called “one bite” rule and don’t hold dog owners accountable for damages unless an animal has been aggressive before, this is not the case in the Golden State.

In fact, California Civil Code section 3342 states that “the owner of any dog is liable for the damages suffered by any person who is bitten by the dog while in a public place or lawfully in a private place, including the property of the owner of the dog, regardless of the former viciousness of the dog or the owner’s knowledge of such viciousness.”

This essentially establishes a strict liability rule for dog owners. If you were in public or lawfully in a private place, and a dog bit you without provocation, then the owner is going to be responsible for covering your losses even if the dog had never done anything in the past to indicate it presented a threat.

How Long Do I Have To Pursue Compensation For A Dog Bite in Encinitas?

You have two years from the time of an incident that causes injury to pursue a claim for compensation, as California Code of Civil Procedure section 335.1, establishes a two-year statute of limitations. Once that time has passed, your case can’t move forward so don’t wait to act.

You will need to prove that you were lawfully in your location and the dog bit you and caused you harm in order to be able to recover damages.

Our Encinitas accident lawyer will help you compile evidence such as witness statements and medical records so you can show the severity of the attack and the extent of your losses.

In most cases, a homeowners’ insurer or renters’ insurer will be paying the bills for your damages. Insurers aim to pay out as little as possible, so don’t settle your case without getting legal support.

Let The Encinitas Dog Bite Lawyers At Miller & Steele Law Firm Help You Today

If you or someone you love has been the victim of a dog attack, the Encinitas dog bite lawyers at Miller & Steele Law Firm are here and ready to represent you.

Give us a call or contact us at (760)-439-2210 today to get your case started and to find out how our passionate and knowledgeable legal advocates can bring their 70+ years of personal injury experience to help you resolve your claim and get the money you deserve.