
What Are the Differences Between an Invitee, Trespasser, and Licensee?

California premises liability laws hold property owners responsible for injuries that occur on their property due to their negligence. However, what is reasonable or negligent is determined, in part, by the visitor’s legal status. California law divides visitors into three categories: invitee, licensee, and trespasser. Knowing which category you fall into can help determine…

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How Long Does a Car Accident Stay on Your Record?

If you were involved in a car accident in Carlsbad, California, you might be worried about its impact on your driving record and insurance rates. An accident can stay on your driving record for three years or longer. The amount of time an accident stays on your record and the number of points on…

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How Much Does a Car Accident Lawyer Cost in Carlsbad?

Some car accident victims don’t hire a lawyer because they are afraid they can’t afford one. After all, they are already facing unexpected expenses from medical bills, lost wages, and repair costs. However, pursuing a car accident claim on your own can put you at a disadvantage. Insurance companies often exploit unrepresented claimants, resulting…

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How to Determine Who Is at Fault for a Car Accident

California is an at-fault state for car accidents, so determining who is at fault becomes a critical question in many cases. Consulting with an experienced Carlsbad car accident attorney can help ensure you properly navigate fault determination and protect your rights. Here are the parties who may help determine fault and the steps they…

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How to Prove You’re Not at Fault After a Car Accident

California is an at-fault state for car accidents. This means the party found to be at fault for the accident is responsible for the damages they caused. Being found at fault for an accident can jeopardize your assets and prevent you from recovering compensation for your vehicle repairs, medical expenses, and lost wages. Insurance…

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The Other Driver Was At Fault For The Car Accident – Why Aren’t They Paying My Personal Injury Claim?

You were injured as a result of a car accident and there is no dispute as to who was at fault for causing the accident. The insurance company “accepted liability” and paid for the damage to your car but now the insurance company does not want to pay for your injury claim. New clients…

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Navigating a Slip or Trip and Fall: Crucial Steps to Take following a Slip or Trip and Fall in San Diego

Slip or trip and fall accidents can happen unexpectedly, leaving victims with injuries and a myriad of concerns. If you’ve experienced a slip or trip and fall in San Diego, California, and you have been injured it’s essential to know the steps to take to protect your well-being and potential legal rights. In this…

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Employer Risk After Holiday Parties

As the holiday season approaches The San Diego Union Tribune featured an article educating the community of the risks companies take when hosting end of the year events that serve alcoholic drinks. The article highlights the ruling of the San Diego division of the California Court of Appeal in the 2013 case of Purton v. Marriott…

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Reporting A Car Accident: A Timeline To Be Mindful Of Following A Car Accident In California

After being involved in a motor vehicle accident you might be dealing with reporting the accident to the police, car insurance companies and the DMV. As you may have suspected there are laws for which accidents need to be reported, who the accident needs to be reported to and when an accident needs to…

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What Do I Need To Present To The Insurance Company For My Injury Claim Following A Car Accident?

If you have been involved in a car accident and are seeking compensation for your injuries the insurance companies will be asking for various documents. This article is a resource to help gather basic documents to make your personal injury claim following a car accident. Police Report / Traffic Collision Report If the police…

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