
What Do I Do If I’ve Been Injured In A Motorcycle Accident?

For as long as motorcycles and automobiles have shared the road, drivers of automobiles simply do not see motorcycles as easily as they see other cars. One can only assume that is due to the size of a motorcycle versus a car or that drivers are just predisposed to looking for other cars. For…

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What Do I Do With My Medical Bills Following An Accident?

If you have been injured in a car accident or hurt in any type of accident, then you have incurred medical bills because of your need to seek out medical care. Always give your medical providers your health insurance information, so that your health insurance company can pay for your treatment. Occasionally, a medical…

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What Do I Do If I Have Been Injured Because I Slipped And Fell Or Tripped And Fell?

Unfortunately, many individuals have suffered serious injuries because they have either tripped and fell or slipped and fell. In many of those settings you may be able to have the property owner pay for your medical bills, your loss of earnings if you have to miss work, and for the pain and suffering you…

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I Have Been In An Accident, Do I Need An Attorney?

We get asked this question all the time. Your need for an attorney depends on whether or not you sustained an injury in the accident and if so, what is the severity of the injury. If you were not injured in the accident, then in all likelihood you probably will not need an attorney. Be…

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My Car Was Damaged In An Accident, What Can I Do?

If you were involved in an automobile accident and your car sustained damage, the choice of where to have it repaired is yours. We would suggest that you first make contact with your own insurance company and let them know where you want to have your repairs done. They will then send out an…

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What Should I Do If I Was In A Car Accident

It may already be too late, but you should always call the police to come to the scene of the accident. In most situations the dispatcher for the police will ask if anyone has been injured in the accident, and if you say no, there is a good chance they will not send an officer…

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